Smart Art Box

We all have that artist in the family that loves drawing and painting, I used to be that artist, so once I was given the opportunity to review this subscription box, I was very excited! Its called the Smart Art Box, its a fine arts subscription service that sends a new project every month and all the supplies needed to complete it. The box costs $49.99 monthly. In my opinion as far as the price goes I think its a bit expensive considering what came inside of the November box. However, comparing the prices from the list they all added to be over the original cost of the box! I still really loved the box no matter how expensive or inexpensive it is!

If you love fine arts, and you love painting, or drawing you would absolutely love this box! Each month you receive something new, and you learn new techniques! This month’s project was to create a mixed media painting! This is the booklet that Smart Art sends every month. It includes art history related to the project, a list of the included supplies, project pointers, and instructions. This is the inside of the booklet. On the left are the art history and project pointers, and on the right there’s some info on mixed media art plus the supply list.

Here are the supplies that were included for this month’s project.
Decoart Media Fluid Acrylics (x4) – Value $11.97
Decoart Media Texture Sand Paste – Value $3.99 (on sale for $2.99)
Pebeo Cerne Relief Paint – Value $6.30 (on sale for $5.36)
Black Canvas Panel 8×10″ (x2) – Total Value $15.30
Da Vinci Hobby Brush Round 2 – Value $11.99 (on sale for $7.95)
Daler-Rowney 101 Mixed Media Pad 7″ x 10″ – Value $8.45

I really loved this subscription box. because its perfect for a relaxing day all by yourself or it could be done with the family! It gives people who love art a way to express themselves! I haven't done any kind of art since high school, so I really loved trying new techniques! If you think you may be interested in trying Smart Art Box for yourself then definitely head over to the website down below! Keep in mind while ordering they only ship to the US! for $49.99 you can get your own fine arts subscription delivered to your door with all the goodies you need each month!


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